Information for CLS Users

The CLS User Portal is your primary source of information for all things related to your CLS Project(s). Log in to manage your experiment, from proposal submission and safety reviews to team membership and samples to reporting your publications. To complete CLS training required for your beamtime, log into the Training Portal with the same account information you use to access the User Portal.

User Login  User Portal Guide   Training Login

Do not hesitate to contact the User Services Office at with any questions or concerns.

Call for Proposals

The Canadian Light Source (CLS) conducts a Call for Proposals twice per year, accepting proposals for peer-reviewed access to beamtime in the upcoming cycle.
Note that due to the extended outage for our linear accelerator upgrade, only one Call for Proposals will be held in 2024.

Cycle Scheduling Period Call Open Call Close PRC Meeting (Week of) Results Announced (Week of)
40 Jan-June, 2025 July 24, 2024 Aug 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024 Nov 4, 2024
39 Jan-Dec, 2024 July 26, 2023 Aug 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023 Nov 13, 2023
38 July-Dec, 2023 Jan 25, 2023 Feb 22, 2023 April 24, 2023 May 8, 2023
37 Jan-June, 2023 July 27, 2022 Aug 24, 2022 Oct 24, 2022 Nov 7, 2022

Requirements for Access

Research Security

Learn about how the CLS supports and complies with the Government of Canada's Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC), and what that means for your research at the CLS.

User Code of Conduct

As a condition of access to Canadian Light Source facilities, all CLS users must comply with the CLS User Code of Conduct.