The Canadian Light Source (CLS) was incorporated in 1999 to market the use of its synchrotron light to scientific, academic, government and industrial users and stakeholders. While owned by the University of Saskatchewan (USask), the CLS as a non-profit corporation is leased to the Canadian Light Source Inc. The University of Saskatchewan established the non-profit corporation to enable national client involvement and stakeholder engagement in directing operations through appointed board position participation on the CLS Board of Directors.

As the sole member of the corporation, the University of Saskatchewan through its Board of Governors appoints the CLS Board of Directors. Accountability to the University of Saskatchewan is maintained through the appointed positions of those occupying the University positions of the Vice President Research, and Vice President Finance and Resources, and through reporting to the University of Saskatchewan, Board of Governors at their Annual General Meeting in June, and through mid-year reports. The reports provided to the Board of Governors include the CLS annual report and annual financial statements, as well as updates on strategic leadership and resource management, governance and management structure, the operational capacity of the facility and stakeholder relations.

The CLS Board of Directors meets quarterly, including one annual strategic planning retreat. The Board membership includes representation from major facility stakeholders (academia, government, and industry), and the Board is responsible for determining and providing high-level strategic direction to the operations of CLS.

Finance and Audit Committee

Tony Van Burgsteden (Interim Chair)
Devan Mescall
John Wright
Debora Bielecki
Serge Desgreniers
Pierre Lapointe (observer)

Governance and Nominating Committee

David Stuewe (Chair)
Tamara Korassa (Incoming Chair)
Jean-Claude Kieffer
Janet King
Peter Gurnham
Baljit Singh
Jennifer van Wijngaarden
Pierre Lapointe (observer)

Business Development Committee

Debora Bielecki (Chair)
Serge Desgreniers
Alba Guarné
Kari Harvey
Jean-Claude Kieffer
Pierre Lapointe (observer)

Health, Safety, and Environment Committee

Tom Tiedje (Chair)
Jennifer van Wijngaarden (Incoming Chair)
Kari Harvey
Tamara Korassa
Pierre Lapointe (observer)

Executive Committee

Pierre Lapointe (Chair)
Janet King (Vice-Chair)
Baljit Singh
John Wright
Tony Van Burgsteden

Human Resources Committee

John Wright (Chair)
Peter Gurnham
Pierre Lapointe
Tom Tiedje
David Stuewe
Alba Guarné

CLS Board of Directors Meetings

2024 meeting dates

  • March 20, 2024
  • June 26, 2024
  • September 25, 2024
  • December 4, 2024

2025 meeting dates

  • March 26, 2025
  • June 25, 2025
  • September 24, 2025
  • December 10, 2025

Organizational Chart
