Canadian Light Source

Spectral Range

5-32 keV



Support sample holders include slotted frames (for transmission measurements either at room temperature or using the cryostat), round sample holders for pellets, and cuvettes (for frozen liquid samples)

Typically, sample dimensions larger than 5 x 1 mm will work, but would ideally be around 7 x 3 mm or larger. The maximum size for samples to be placed in the cryostat is 15 x 5 mm.



CLS Port 07ID-2
Source 2.1T Wiggler
Resolution 5 x 10-5
Spot Sizes 3 mm x 0.5 mm (H x V)
Photon Flux
up to 1 x 1012 ph/s


Morgane Desmau
Associate Scientist (BioXAS)    (306) 657-3591

Amani Ebrahim
Associate Scientist (BioXAS & HXMA)    (306) 657-3659

Graham George BioXAS Beamline Advisory Team Leader
Ingrid Pickering BioXAS Beamline Advisory Team Leader

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